Kovamsam Times Matrimony Plan Which Indiana Gov. Terry Branstad’s wife is eligible to marry?

Which Indiana Gov. Terry Branstad’s wife is eligible to marry?


and his wife, Karen Branstad, will marry next month in Indiana, but it will be at a private ceremony.

They will be married at a church in Indianapolis, according to the Indianapolis Star.

Their ceremony is being held in front of a crowd of about 150 people, but no one will be allowed to hear the ceremony except for Karen Branstedts attorney, Michael Bausch, according the Indianapolis Metropolitan News.

The governor and his girlfriend have been married for almost five years, but they have never been officially married.

The couple first announced the wedding back in July, and they were married in the statehouse on July 4.

Their first child, the couple’s first daughter, was born in March and has been a full-time caretaker for the couple since her birth.

Karen Branstad is the second woman to hold the office of governor in Indiana after Republican Mike Pence, who is the son of the late Sen. Ted Cruz, who was born and raised in Indiana.