Kovamsam Times Matrimony Contact ‘You made me feel like a woman’: Jodi Arias talks marriage anniversary,celebrations in front of cameras

‘You made me feel like a woman’: Jodi Arias talks marriage anniversary,celebrations in front of cameras

Jodi Arias has never been more at home in front the cameras than in front a live audience of family and friends at her wedding to her husband, comedian Javi Marroquin, on July 25.

“I am the happiest person on earth, so you know it’s going to be special,” Ariam told a small group of people on stage, which was packed with people and family.

“It’s going be amazing.

I think that’s why I’m here.”

The celebration started with a video tribute to Ariams husband, Javi, who died in 2012.

In the video, the two of them look into each other’s eyes and smile, as well as sharing the words, “I love you.”

Afterwards, Ariamed hugged her family and said, “It feels like I’m in a house.

It feels like a house is in my head.

It’s really, really special.”

The event is also an opportunity for Ariars family to see her grandchildren, who were also there.

“I think it’s an important time for us,” she said.

“For Javi and for us to see our grandchildren grow up together, it’s such an incredible time.”

Javi Arias and Javi’s daughters, Jennifer and Kiki, were in attendance for the ceremony.

“We wanted to be there, but we knew we couldn’t,” said Jennifer Arias, who had met her husband years ago and was in the audience.

“We knew we were going to miss him.

We had to go somewhere special.”

Jodi Aria and her husband Javi.

(CBC)The event was held on a private island in New York Harbor.

“Everyone knows Javi from his work on The Simpsons, which he did, and it was a special moment,” said Ariana.

“He was a real inspiration to us.”

Arias, now 43, married Marroquin in June 2011 and he was the first comedian to ever be nominated for an Emmy.

He has also appeared in several television and film projects.

Marroquin and Ariastas have three sons and four grandchildren.