Kovamsam Times Matrimony Plan The Philadelphia Marriage License Issue is Over, Here’s What’s Next

The Philadelphia Marriage License Issue is Over, Here’s What’s Next

The Philadelphia marriage license issue has been resolved, according to an official statement from Mayor Jim Kenney’s office.

“The mayor and his staff have reviewed and have decided to proceed with the issuance of the marriage license,” the statement said.

The license was not issued to the couple in question and was issued to a licensed family planning clinic.

Kenney issued a statement later in the day clarifying that the marriage licenses were issued to individuals “who are lawfully married.”

“The city has determined that the issue of marriage licenses was resolved.

It was important to the City Council and the people of Philadelphia that we do so quickly,” Kenney said. 

The Philadelphia City Council has been on a high-profile roll in recent months, with the council passing a resolution to ban the city’s controversial $3.6 million anti-gay pride parade.

Last month, the council passed a resolution declaring the city “unfit” to host the event. 

This week, the mayor announced he would be pushing for a new marriage license for all couples in the city.

The City Council is going to have to make the changes necessary. “

This is an issue that has been coming up for some time.

We’ve got to have a change in attitude, and we’re going to make that change.”