Kovamsam Times Matrimony About Trial Marriage: ‘I have been through hell, I’ve been through blizzards, I have had to take my life over’

Trial Marriage: ‘I have been through hell, I’ve been through blizzards, I have had to take my life over’

A woman in Florida who married a man who was convicted of adultery after he left her for another woman is being sued for breach of contract.

Key points:Sandra and her husband David were sentenced to a year in prison for cheating on their first marriage, but she and her family are now suing him over the divorceSandra’s lawyer says the judge did not know about the caseThe judge also said he believed the judge was biasedShe says the case is about the justice system, not the marriageAs she sat in the Palm Beach County jail, Sandra Broussard had already served time for domestic violence and was in jail for the second time for the domestic abuse charges.

But in October, after a judge granted her divorce from David Broustard, she found herself in court again.

She says she was handcuffed, searched and taken to jail for about two hours.

She and her three children, ages 2, 6 and 10, were kept in isolation while they waited for their trial.

Sandra says the ordeal took a toll on her family, and she had to make difficult decisions about whether to continue to live with David.

Sandy Brouser says she has experienced a miscarriage, a stroke and a heart attack.

She was released in early November after spending time in a rehabilitation facility, and was able to get back on her feet, she said.

She’s now suing her husband for breach on her behalf.

Broussar is a registered Republican who was married to David Boulton for 13 years, according to court records.

David Brouston, who had no criminal history, was acquitted of adultery in 2002 and was later convicted of violating a protective order.

He was released from prison in 2017 after serving two years of a 10-year sentence.