Kovamsam Times Matrimony Questions Which Christian books have been removed from the Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble e-book stores?

Which Christian books have been removed from the Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble e-book stores?

There have been plenty of books that have been deleted from the popular bookseller’s online bookstores.

The Christian Booksellers Association has issued an official statement stating that some of the books that were removed had “violated our code of ethics.”

The group has also published a list of banned books.

One of those banned books is “The New Christian Marriage: A Practical Guide for Modern Christian Marriage.”

This book was originally published in the 1950s and has been banned since 2004.

The book contains a guide to modern Christian marriage that includes the teachings of Christian philosopher Richard Dawkins and is called “The Christian Marriage Revolution.”

This new edition was released in March 2017 and is available for purchase through Amazon and Barnes and Noble eBooks.

The list of books removed includes: “Christian Marriage: An Introduction” by Richard Dawkins.

“The Marriage Equality Amendment” by Thomas Withers.

“Marriage and the Constitution: The Case for the Marriage Equality Act” by Mark Driscoll.

“Understanding the Family: Understanding Marriage, Family, and the Future” by Matthew G. Folling.

“Religious Freedom and Christian Values: An Interpretation of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act” and “The Biblical Declaration of Human Rights” by David R. Haidt.

“A Word From the Creator: An Interview with the Creator” by Jim Gaffney.

“Why Do We Love God?: The Creation Story and The Genesis Flood” by Joseph Taggart.

“Tithing: The New Testament Testimony of a Man” by Andrew C. Wallis.

“An Introduction to the Bible” by Stephen G. O’Brien.

“Myths About the Bible: The Myth of the Ten Commandments” by Peter T. Seidenberg.

“Are You a Christian?” by James B. Cooper.

“What to Do in the Garden” by John H. Whitehead.

The full list of the banned books can be found here.

The church is also suing the company for removing books that it says were objectionable.

The lawsuit seeks $500 million in damages for the removal of books such as “The Bible: A Contemporary Commentary on the Bible,” “The God of the Bible and the God of Genesis” by Scott Lively, “The Creation Museum: How Religion Created the World” by Robert M. Gates, “Faith and the Evolution of the Human Mind” by Paul E. R. Ginzburg and “Religion, Race and Science: The Impact of Science and Religion on American Life” by Michael E. Taylor.

The company is also asking for an injunction that would prevent the retailer from selling “books that are offensive to a substantial segment of the population.”